pregnant women in yellow dress, atlanta, ga

Therapy for Pregnant Women in Atlanta, Georgia

Therapy for Pregnancy Anxiety and Depression

Being pregnant can bring about many new emotions and decisions. There is fear of miscarriage, medical results, fear of childbirth and anxiety around body image concerns. You may be experiencing unsolicited touching of your pregnant belly and advice or horror stories surrounding childbirth and childbearing. Others experience family members inserting their own beliefs regarding your pregnancy or future child. Pregnancy can provide some tough unwanted symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, body pain, fatigue, etc. These symptoms can sometimes make it difficult to function at your job, or participate in social activities like you previously did. These experiences are new and can be tough. It may even not be what you expected or imagined.

You are not alone. Therapy for pregnant women can help and anxiety and depression are HIGHLY treatable during this time. 1 in 5 pregnant or postpartum mothers have a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder. Together, we will work collaboratively to increase your support and resources to identify evidenced based strategies to manage your anxiety or depression related concerns while pregnant.

brown leather therapy couch with white pillow

“We don’t have to do all of it alone, we were never meant to.”

- Brene Brown